Oh hello! I've come back from the grave (again)
First of all quick life update: The biggest life change is my dad going to have surgery in December and that I've got my last set of classes selected that I need to take for the Spring so I can finish out community college and start prepping myself to start a 4-year college. Other than that, not much has changed.
Now onto the main reason I'm making this post:
So for some months, I've been having thoughts about starting a new account on this site. I think I'm just not too happy anymore with my current account. That being said, I probably won't delete this account entirely, I may just keep it for archive reasons.
But I see that the Secret Santa registration has started, so that will probably be the last thing I do on this account before I started the new one.
Honestly I'm not too sure what I should do at this point. Any advice would be appreciated.
I mean sure go ahead delete this account but... it probably wont fix for whatever is going on in your head right now.It aint gonna improve your skills nor anything else. Unless if you wanna start from scratch again then sure